07-Sep-2023 | 8:07 PM
The 32nd ASAT (Sunday, 29th October 2023)
- Are you confused with the new selective school placement outcome process?
- Not sure which selective school choices are right for your child?
- That’s why a huge number of students are participating in the ASAT every year!
The ASAT competition is conducted by Pre-Uni New College annually, and it is designed for Years 5 students who are preparing for the NSW selective high school placement tests.
The ASAT provides comprehensive benefits to both students and parents, allowing them to determine where their place among several thousands of their peers and get better ideas about their selective school choices in the application. For full details, please visit the ASAT website.
The 32nd ASAT – Registration & Test Information
Who can register
The registration is open to Year 5 students who will apply for the 2024 selective high school placement test.
Test date
Sunday, 29th October 2023
Test subjects
Reading, Writing, Mathematical reasoning & Thinking skills
Test format
Paper-based tests
Test session
9:00am – 12:30pm OR 1:30pm – 5:00pm session.
Test Centres
The ASAT Test Centres (Strathfield, Pennant Hills and Liverpool areas) will be announced as soon as they are confirmed. Check from the ASAT website.
Registration Fee
$90 per applicant (non-refundable)
$80 discount price offer to the students who enrolled in regular term Pre-Uni New College courses (full-term) during Term 1 to Term 3 in 2023.
$80 discount price offer to the students who enrolled in regular term Pre-Uni New College courses (full-term) during Term 1 to Term 3 in 2023.
How to register
Test outcome
The ASAT outcome advice email will be sent out to the parents on Sunday, 12th November 2023 with a unique test report download link. The date may vary depending on the number of participants and test marking time.
Conditions of Registration
The discount price is available only to the students who enrolled in the 2023 Term 1, Term 2 or Term 3 full-term WEMT, STTC or Writing course at Pre-Uni New College. If there is a situation where the paper tests are not feasible due to unexpected events such as, non-operational test venue or health & safety issue, students will take the tests online in their home. The test time and venue may be subject to change depending on the number of participants in each test session and venue. Students and parents cannot request to view any test questions. NO test review session or service in any form. NO REFUND and NO CREDIT for cancellation.
Registration will close at any time without prior notice.